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Teloa Terms and Conditions


The provision of Services to you through the Website and App are subject to your acceptance of the Agreement. By registering in the Website and/or by using the App, you expressly agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below, the Teloa Privacy Policy, and any other terms and conditions of this Agreement.

If you object to this Agreement or any subsequent modifications to it, or become dissatisfied with your membership of the Website or App in any way, your only remedy is to immediately:

  • discontinue your use of the Website or App; and
  • terminate your membership by notifying us in writing at [email protected].

Certain words in this Agreement have the meanings set under them at the end of this webpage.

Membership Information

When registering as a member of the Website or App, you must provide us with accurate, complete and up-to-date information as requested on the Registration Form, the login process via Meta, Google or Apple credentials or other areas of the site, such as the account settings page. You agree that the information supplied by you will be truthful, accurate and complete. It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to that information by visiting the Website in order to update your personal information. All personal information you provide us as a member will be treated in accordance with the Teloa Privacy Policy.

If you are under 18 years of age, you must obtain a parent/guardian’s consent prior to using the Website or App. If you are an employee of a company or other entity or are acting on behalf of a company, you must be authorized to enter into these Terms of Use on behalf of your employer.

Unauthorized use of your account

Regardless of whether you choose to register with your Meta or Google credentials or an email and password of your choosing, you are entirely responsible for all activities which occur under account, including unauthorised use of your or any other credit card. You must notify us immediately if you become aware of any unauthorised use of your account. If you forget or lose your password, you should request a new password by visiting the ‘Forgot your password?’ link in the sign in dialog box. You also agree that you will only register in your own name. Each account information must be used by a single user and is not transferable.

Your data

Personal information collected by us as part of this service will be treated in accordance with Teloa Privacy Policy, which forms part of this Agreement.

Please note that the sending of personal information via e-mail over the internet may not be secure and can be intercepted by third parties or incorrectly delivered. You should not divulge personal information over the internet unless you are using a secure or encrypted communications technology.

We shall be entitled, but not obliged, to record all communications from, or instructions given by, you to us, or messages sent by us to you through the Website or App .

Your account

The Website or App can only be used by you to effect a limited number of Refills and/or Refills to a limited value over specific time periods. You will be automatically notified when these limits are reached or should attempt to effect Refills in excess of the limits. Other limits and exclusions may apply to they way which you can use this Website or App from time to time and you will be notified of these through your use of the Website or App.

You shall ensure that all instructions given by you to us are accurate and complete, and that, where appropriate, you correctly identify the mobile phone account to which any amount is to be credited or debited.

You shall carefully examine any Refill information received by you, or any other information provided by us to you through the Website or App from time to time and shall report any errors or omissions to us in writing within 30 days from the date of dispatch of such statements or receipt of such information.

Refund Policy

Once a Refill has been sent and Teloa can verify that the Refill Amount has been properly credited to the number you intended to refill, no refund can be made, including situations in which the number you intended to refill has been incorrectly entered by you.

Your obligations

You undertake to us to comply strictly with this Agreement. You acknowledge that your compliance with this Agreement is designed to minimize the risk of unauthorized use of the Website or App. You agree to indemnify us in full in respect of any loss or damages which may arise to us, you or any third party as a consequence of your non-compliance with this Agreement.

Transactions on the Account

Upon receipt of a proper and complete request from you for a Refill we will debit the Account and will forward an electronic request to the relevant mobile network operator to provide a credit of the amount transferred for the benefit of the pre-paid mobile phone number nominated by you. The mobile network operator shall be solely liable to you in respect of the provision of the mobile services to which the Refill applies. is an independent entity to act on their behalf of mobile network operators to facilitate the purchase of Refills.

Subject to your compliance with the Agreement and provided you have not acted fraudulently or in a negligent manner, we shall accept liability for the non-execution or defective execution of a Refill effected through the Website or App but such liability shall be limited to the amount of the unexecuted or defectively executed Refill.

Third Party Services and Information

Many of the products and services offered for Teloa Website site or App or through services that we may offer you, are submitted, created or developed by third parties. Information about some of the products and services on the Website or App is subject to specific restrictions concerning the persons to whom such information may be made available. Details of such restrictions are set out on the pages to which they relate and you should read those details carefully before proceeding to the rest of the relevant page.

Information about some of the products and services on this Website or App may be subject to additional Legal Notices and Warnings, identified as such. These notices and warnings are important and are for the protection of both you and us. Please take the time to carefully read all Legal Notices and Warnings on the pages of this Website or App.

The third party products, services and information are not provided or endorsed by us and your legal relationship is with the third party supplier when purchasing such services or goods. We have not checked the accuracy or completeness of the information or the suitability or quality of the products and services of the third parties. You must make your own inquiries with the relevant third party supplier directly before relying on the third party information or entering into a transaction in relation to the third party products and services referred to on the Website or App.

Termination of the Agreement

We may terminate the Agreement and withdraw the Website or App and the Services provided through it:

  • on giving you at least 1 day prior written notice;
  • immediately upon breach by you of any of the terms of this Agreement or where there are serious grounds for doing so and provided you are informed by notice in writing as soon as is reasonably possible after termination;
  • immediately upon your contractual incapacity;
  • if you have not accessed the Website or App in any period of 36 consecutive months; or
  • if we reasonably believe that any of the Services have been used negligently, illegally or fraudulently by you, or by a third party as a result of your negligence or recklessness.

This Agreement does not have a minimum or finite duration and will continue to be binding on the parties until it is terminated. You may terminate the Agreement at any time by giving us not less than 1 days prior written notice to that effect, but without prejudice to your liability for any outstanding indebtedness on any Account or otherwise prior to the date of termination.

We reserve the right to process or cancel any transactions in progress on termination of this Agreement or on suspension or withdrawal of the Services. We are not responsible for any loss you may incur as a result of any transaction not being processed as part of the Services after termination of the Agreement or after any suspension or withdrawal of the Services.

Your contribution

When you send us any feedback, suggestions, ideas or other materials in relation to or via our site or the services, you agree that we can use, reproduce, publish, modify, adapt and transmit them to others free of charge and without restriction, subject to our obligations in our Privacy Statement.

This Website and App are established in the United States in accordance with the laws of the United States and will be governed by the laws of that country. When you use the Website or App, you accept that your use of the Website or App and any information on the Website or App, will also be governed by the laws of the United States and if any claim or dispute arises from your use of the Website or App or any of the information on it, you agree that the US courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over all such claims or disputes.

Your agreement for the purchase of Refills is with the network operator. Teloa is an independent entity appointed by Mobile Network Operators to act on its behalf to facilitate the purchase of the mobile refills.

Variations of the Agreement

Where we are not required to notify you otherwise by law, we may alter the Agreement from time to time. Any such alteration shall become effective and shall be binding upon you 14 days after notice of such alteration has been sent to you by any of the following means: through the post or by electronic message through Website or App. You shall be entitled, upon receiving notice of any alteration to this Agreement, to immediately terminate the Agreement but without prejudice to any rights or obligations which have arisen prior the termination date, including your liability for any indebtedness on any Account or which has otherwise arisen prior to that termination date.


Save where expressly provided, any notice required to be given by you to us in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement shall be given in writing and sent through the post addressed to Teloa:

3650 NW 82nd Ave Suite #401
Doral, FL 33166
United States

or by email to [email protected].

Use of Information and Confidentiality

Subject to the terms of the Privacy Policy, and except to the extent that such disclosure is required under compulsion of law or pursuant to a direction or request issued by the Financial Regulator or other competent statutory or regulatory authority, we shall ensure that all your confidential personal data held by us in relation to this Agreement shall only be accessible to us, our agents or a company controlled by us and shall be processed or used by us for purposes and in a way compatible with the discharge of our obligation to you under the Agreement.

You shall ensure that all information obtained from us by you relating to our operations, services, software, hardware and/or systems in connection with this Agreement shall be treated by you in strictest confidence and shall not be disclosed by you to any third party unless it is already in the public domain.

Intellectual Property

The Intellectual Property Rights in all data, information, systems, processes or other material used by or developed by us for the purposes of providing the Services or performing its obligations under this Agreement shall, or upon their creation, remain vested in us or its licensors. You shall use such material only for the purpose of receiving the Services, as contemplated by this Agreement.

Save where otherwise specified, the Intellectual Property Rights and contents of all the Website or App are owned by us or its licensors. Reproduction of part or all of the contents of the Website in any form is prohibited without our prior consent, other than that you may print or download one copy of the contents of the Website or App for personal non-commercial use.

Data Protection

We will comply with its obligations under applicable data protection law as regards relevant data in its possession relating to you and shall make available for inspection by you any information held by us about you in accordance with those laws. The Privacy Policy published on the Website or App from time to time shall apply to the use of personal data relating to you and shall form part of this Agreement.

Temporary Withdrawal of Service

In the event of a breakdown, fault or malfunction of, or connected to, any system used in connection with the Website or App and the Services, or where there is a real or potential security risk, we shall be entitled, without incurring any liability to you, to temporarily suspend the relevant Services or access to the Website for such reasonable period as may be required to remedy, address or resolve the system issue.


You agree that you have entered into this Agreement for your own benefit and not for the benefit of another person, and that you may not subcontract or assign any of your rights or obligations under this Agreement.

Governing Law

All relations established by us with you prior to this Agreement being entered into, and this Agreement, are governed by and will be construed with the laws of the State of Florida, USA, and the courts of the United States shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any disputes in connection with them.


If, at any time, any provision of this Agreement (or any part of a provision of this Agreement) is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable, that shall not affect or impair the legality, validity or enforceability the remainder of this Agreement (including the remainder of a provision where only part thereof is or has become illegal, invalid or unenforceable).


Any waiver by us of a breach or default of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or other provisions, nor shall any delay or omission on our part to exercise or avail of any right, power or privilege that we have or may have, operate as a waiver of any breach or default by you.


The Agreement and all other documentation which will be provide by us to communicate with you throughout the duration of the Agreement will be prepared in the English language, and all communications between us and you may also be conducted in the English language.


Words in bold print in this Definitions Clause have the meanings respectively set under them when used in this Agreement and, where the context admits, the singular form shall include the plural form and vice versa.


The agreement concluded between us and you for the purposes of receiving the any of the Services through the Website or App which consists of (1) the Registration; (2) these Terms and Conditions; and (3) the Privacy Policy appearing on the Website or App from time to time. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between any of these documents, then these Terms and Conditions will prevail.

We, us means Teloa, including its successors and assigns.

Fees means the Fees payable for the Services provided to you by us, which shall be made known to you while you are using our Website or App.

Intellectual Property Rights

“Intellectual Property Rights” means all copyright, patents, trade marks, registered and unregistered design rights, rights in databases and topography rights and other intellectual property rights, all rights to bring an action for passing off, all rights to apply for protection in respect of any of the above rights and all other forms or protection of a similar nature or having equivalent or similar effect to any of these which may subsist anywhere in the world, and includes any trade marks that we have in the word “teloa” or “”.

Privacy Policy

The document called “Privacy Policy” published by us on the Website or App from time to time.

Registration Process

The process (es) which must be properly and fully completed by you applying to us for the provision of Teloa Services, including, but not limited to, application forms, online application forms and forms completed by you.


The password allocated by us to you in connection with the Website or App and the Services.


A transfer of an amount from an Account to a mobile network operator (authorized by us from time to time) to pay for the provision of telecommunication services by that mobile network operator to a pee-paid mobile telephone effected using the Services and the Website or App.


The Services made available by us on the Website or App from time to time including the Refill services.


Any page containing the URL


The Teloa app is available on the Apple Store or the Google Play Store.